What's it gonna be? A bunch of crap or an EP?

This march, the Clam are ramping up their band game!

We recorded the material we wrote over the last two years or so and we are like 100% sure this shit will be dope...

Since this is also our first post ever on our first actual website, we want to make a good first impression. But we can't. Some of our band members are lucky they can tie their shoes, so we have to make due with what we got.

Stay tuned for the one thing we can do-

Make weird music for even weirder people.

In the video below you can see the shocked faces of our band members realising that we can't even really do that...

Who are we kidding, this is never gonna work. Just like our namesake, the clam, you might think, well this isn't actually that bad! That is, until you start puking your guts out.